Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Parallel Lives – Works by Ernst von Dohnányi and Béla Bartók for flute and piano (2020/2021) [Official Digital Download 24bit/192kHz]

Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Parallel Lives – Works by Ernst von Dohnányi and Béla Bartók for flute and piano (2020/2021)
FLAC (tracks) 24 bit/192 kHz | Time – 53:07 minutes | 1,65 GB | Genre: Classical
Studio Masters, Official Digital Download | Front Cover | © Hunnia Records

Listening to this album is a unique experience because the recording offers a selection of flute and piano pieces of two worldrenowned Hungarian composers: Béla Bartók (1881−1945) and Ernst von Dohnányi (1877−1960).

The names of Bartók and Dohnányi may seem unusual in a flute and piano programme, since although the latter did have some interest in the instrument in the last years of his life, Bartók did not compose pieces for solo flute or any significant chamber music where the flute was originally included. There might be several explanations for this. Flutist Szabolcs Szilágyi, who formulated the concept of this CD and is also one of the recording musicians, believes that although the German goldsmith Theobald Böhm (1794−1881), patented his new invention revolutionising flute playing already in 1847 1, for various reasons it had not yet become prevalent at the Budapest Academy of Music (Royal National Hungarian Academy of Music, at present: Liszt Academy of Music) where the two composers studied at the turn of the century. Furthermore, the Viennese flutes – also commonly referred to in professional circles as simple system flutes – used in Budapest and in German speaking areas were less suitable for performing complex chamber music or solo pieces, both in terms of their sound capabilities/potential and technical possibilities. Another explanation for Bartók’s and Dohnányi’s reluctance may be that neither composer had friendships with remarkable flutists who could have inspired their work, despite the fact that the professor of the Royal National Hungarian Academy of Music as well as the first flutist of the Royal Hungarian Opera House was Adolph Burose (1858−1921). The flutist of German origin was also a much sought-after international soloist and the author of the first Hungarian language flute school, the two-volume Die Neue Grosse Flötenschule2 (the exact date of its publication is unknown). We should not be misled by the German title: the book was published as the study material of the Royal National Hungarian Academy of Music with German and Hungarian instructions. Both were official languages of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, and it was only natural that Burose wrote the instructions in his mother tongue. It is also likely that he spoke little or no Hungarian, because in the preface to the flute school he thanks his student, Dr August Alcsuti3 for the Hungarian translation. Burose was extremely broad-minded as it turns out from his work, which includes the fingering chart of both the Viennese and the Böhm systems4 , that he preferred the former. He even recommends specific exercises to practice the fingering of the Böhm system, which implies that he considered the Böhm system a deviation from the “normal instrument”. At this point, however, we have come full circle as we are back to square one, namely the restrictions due to the sound character and level of technical development of simple system flutes.

01. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Dohnanyi: Aria for flute and piano Op. 48. No. 1 (05:17)
02. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Dohnanyi: Passacaglia for flute solo Op. 48. No. 2      (08:51)
03. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Suite Paysanne Hongroise – Rubato (Megkötöm lovamat) (00:55)
04. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Suite Paysanne Hongroise – Andante (Kit virágom rózsát adott)      (01:52)
05. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Suite Paysanne Hongroise – Poco rubato ( Aj, meg kell a búzának érni)     (00:33)
06. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Suite Paysanne Hongroise – Andante (Kék nefelejcs ráhajlott a vállamra)     (01:04)
07. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Suite Paysanne Hongroise – Scherzo. Allegro (Feleségem olyan tiszta)     (00:44)
08. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Suite Paysanne Hongroise – Allegro (Arra gyere, amőrre én)     (00:49)
09. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Suite Paysanne Hongroise – Allegretto (Fölmentem a szilvafára)     (00:41)
10. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Suite Paysanne Hongroise – Allegretto (Erre kakas, erre tyúk)     (00:15)
11. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Suite Paysanne Hongroise – L’istesso tempo (Zöld erdőben a prücsök)      (00:50)
12. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Suite Paysanne Hongroise – Assai moderato (Nem vagy legény)      (00:48)
13. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók:: Suite Paysanne Hongroise – Allegretto (Beteg asszony, fáradt legény)     (00:28)
14. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Suite Paysanne Hongroise – Poco più vivo (Sári lovam a fakó)     (00:28)
15. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Suite Paysanne Hongroise – Allegro (Összegyűltek, összegyűltek az izsapi lányok)     (00:31)
16. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Suite Paysanne Hongroise – Allegro (Duda nóta)      (01:30)
17. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Dohnanyi: Sonata Op. 21 – Allegro appassionato       (06:57)
18. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Dohnanyi: Sonata Op. 21 – Allegro ma con tenerezza (04:37)
19. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Dohnanyi: Sonata Op. 21 – Vivace assai      (06:55)
20. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Romanian Folk Dances – Bot tánc / Jocul cu bâtă (Stick Dance)       (01:24)
21. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Romanian Folk Dances – Brâul (Sash Dance)      (00:31)
22. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Romanian Folk Dances – Topogó / Pe loc (In One Spot)       (01:05)
23. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Romanian Folk Dances – Bucsumí tánc / Buciumeana (Dance from Bucsum)      (01:27)
24. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Romanian Folk Dances – Román polka / Poarga Românească (Romanian Polka)      (00:28)
25. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Romanian Folk Dances – Aprózó / Mărunțel (Fast Dance)      (00:54)
26. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Három csíkmegyei népdal/Trois Chansons Hongroises Populaires – Rubato (01:19)
27. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Három csíkmegyei népdal/Trois Chansons Hongroises Populaires – L’istesso tempo (00:59)
28. Szabolcs Szilágyi & László Borbély – Bartók: Három csíkmegyei népdal/Trois Chansons Hongroises Populaires – Poco vivo (00:43)


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