Quinsin Nachoff – Magic Numbers (2006) MCH SACD ISO + DSF DSD64 + Hi-Res FLAC

Quinsin Nachoff – Magic Numbers (2006)
SACD Rip | SACD ISO | DST64 2.0 & 5.0 > 1-bit/2.8224 MHz | 69:20 minutes | Digital Booklet | 3,35 GB
or DSD64 2.0 Stereo (from SACD-ISO to Tracks.dsf) > 1-bit/2.8224 MHz | Digital Booklet | 2,74 GB
or FLAC Stereo (carefully converted & encoded to tracks) 24bit/88,2 kHz | Digital Booklet | 1,32 GB

Toronto saxophonist-composer Quinsin Nachoff’s Magic Numbers, several years in the making, combines the sax trio tradition of freewheeling improvisation and the discipline of a classical string quartet into an original aesthetic. The arrangements on this 2006 album are often complex, the strings elegantly weaving together the music’s forms and textures in sometimes unexpected ways. Nachoff says he was seeking a diplomatic blend of musical genres and styles which would nevertheless maintain the essence of melody and beauty.

Look carefully at the album title and the instrumental lineup (sax, bass, drums plus string quartet), and consider yourself forewarned: saxophonist and composer Quinsin Nachoff is not writing straight-ahead jazz. Nor, thankfully, is he ginning up pseudo-intellectual third stream bloviation. Instead, he’s working a complex but compelling fusion of harmonically complex, densely arranged music that manages to combine all the best energy of funk and hard bop with all the sophistication and intellectual incisiveness of modern classical music. When it works, the effect is electric: the combination of funky drumming, cool strings, and restrained sax blowing on “There & Back” is nothing short of brilliant, and “October” is one of the loveliest and most affecting modern jazz ballads in years. When it doesn’t work so well, it sounds like Nachoff is playing more to his colleagues than to his listeners: “Circles & Waves,” though aptly titled, comes across as unnecessarily smart-aleck, and the 13-minute-long “Sun-Day” never really gets interesting at all. But at all points on the album, Nachoff’s ability to write engagingly and insightfully for strings is jaw-droppingly impressive, and his overall achievement on this album is equally so. Recommended.


01. There & Back
02. To Solar Piazza
03. How Post Modern of Me
04. October
05. Branches
06. Circles & Waves
07. Whoris
08. Sun Day

Quinsin Nachoff – tenor & soprano saxophone, compositions
Mark Helias – bass
Jim Black – drums
Nathalie Bonin, Noémi Racine Gaudreault – violins
Jean René – viola
Julie Trudeau – cello

Recorded on January 17-18, 2004 at Phase One, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Analogue Recording Mixed in 24/88 & Mastered to DSD.







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